 * @file progress-control.js
import Component from '../../component.js';
import * as Dom from '../../utils/dom.js';
import {throttle, bind} from '../../utils/fn.js';

import './seek-bar.js';

 * The Progress Control component contains the seek bar, load progress,
 * and play progress.
 * @extends Component
class ProgressControl extends Component {

   * Creates an instance of this class.
   * @param {Player} player
   *        The `Player` that this class should be attached to.
   * @param {Object} [options]
   *        The key/value store of player options.
  constructor(player, options) {
    super(player, options);
    this.handleMouseMove = throttle(bind(this, this.handleMouseMove), 25);
    this.on(this.el_, 'mousemove', this.handleMouseMove);

    this.throttledHandleMouseSeek = throttle(bind(this, this.handleMouseSeek), 25);
    this.on(['mousedown', 'touchstart'], this.handleMouseDown);

   * Create the `Component`'s DOM element
   * @return {Element}
   *         The element that was created.
  createEl() {
    return super.createEl('div', {
      className: 'vjs-progress-control vjs-control'

   * When the mouse moves over the `ProgressControl`, the pointer position
   * gets passed down to the `MouseTimeDisplay` component.
   * @param {EventTarget~Event} event
   *        The `mousemove` event that caused this function to run.
   * @listen mousemove
  handleMouseMove(event) {
    const seekBar = this.getChild('seekBar');
    const mouseTimeDisplay = seekBar.getChild('mouseTimeDisplay');
    const seekBarEl = seekBar.el();
    const seekBarRect = Dom.getBoundingClientRect(seekBarEl);
    let seekBarPoint = Dom.getPointerPosition(seekBarEl, event).x;

    // The default skin has a gap on either side of the `SeekBar`. This means
    // that it's possible to trigger this behavior outside the boundaries of
    // the `SeekBar`. This ensures we stay within it at all times.
    if (seekBarPoint > 1) {
      seekBarPoint = 1;
    } else if (seekBarPoint < 0) {
      seekBarPoint = 0;

    if (mouseTimeDisplay) {
      mouseTimeDisplay.update(seekBarRect, seekBarPoint);

   * A throttled version of the {@link ProgressControl#handleMouseSeek} listener.
   * @method ProgressControl#throttledHandleMouseSeek
   * @param {EventTarget~Event} event
   *        The `mousemove` event that caused this function to run.
   * @listen mousemove
   * @listen touchmove

   * Handle `mousemove` or `touchmove` events on the `ProgressControl`.
   * @param {EventTarget~Event} event
   *        `mousedown` or `touchstart` event that triggered this function
   * @listens mousemove
   * @listens touchmove
  handleMouseSeek(event) {
    const seekBar = this.getChild('seekBar');


   * Handle `mousedown` or `touchstart` events on the `ProgressControl`.
   * @param {EventTarget~Event} event
   *        `mousedown` or `touchstart` event that triggered this function
   * @listens mousedown
   * @listens touchstart
  handleMouseDown(event) {
    const doc = this.el_.ownerDocument;

    this.on(doc, 'mousemove', this.throttledHandleMouseSeek);
    this.on(doc, 'touchmove', this.throttledHandleMouseSeek);
    this.on(doc, 'mouseup', this.handleMouseUp);
    this.on(doc, 'touchend', this.handleMouseUp);

   * Handle `mouseup` or `touchend` events on the `ProgressControl`.
   * @param {EventTarget~Event} event
   *        `mouseup` or `touchend` event that triggered this function.
   * @listens touchend
   * @listens mouseup
  handleMouseUp(event) {
    const doc = this.el_.ownerDocument;

    this.off(doc, 'mousemove', this.throttledHandleMouseSeek);
    this.off(doc, 'touchmove', this.throttledHandleMouseSeek);
    this.off(doc, 'mouseup', this.handleMouseUp);
    this.off(doc, 'touchend', this.handleMouseUp);

 * Default options for `ProgressControl`
 * @type {Object}
 * @private
ProgressControl.prototype.options_ = {
  children: [

Component.registerComponent('ProgressControl', ProgressControl);
export default ProgressControl;